• Volume 55,Issue 1,2018 Table of Contents
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    • >Mathematics
    • Stochastic Resonance in a Langevin Oscillator Subject to Asymmetric Noise

      2018, 55(1):0001-0006.

      Abstract (1294) HTML (0) PDF 804.91 K (725) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper focuses on the phenomenon of stochastic resonance in a oscillator with random frequency subject to periodically modulated noise and asymmetric noise. Through Shapiro-Loginov formula, the analytical expression of the first moment of stable response is calculated, then we get the stable conditions of the first moment. At last, we discover the phenomenon of stochastic resonance with different parameters and rich dynamical behaviors, such as multi-resonance.

    • Sensor Selection for Hypothesis Testing in Wireless Sensor Networks

      2018, 55(1):0007-0012.

      Abstract (1516) HTML (0) PDF 663.08 K (586) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The well-known sensor selection issue is of great significance in wireless sensor network. We aim at selecting a subset of out of sensors to conduct the corresponding hypothesis test based on their observations such that the false alarm rate attains the minimum, which has been proved to be NP hard. In this paper, we relax the original problem to a tractable one and propose a new algorithm, which can achieve the KKT point. Moreover, compared with the existing algorithm, our algorithm is more efficient since it has lower computation complexity. Simulations also illustrate that the global optimum can be reached in most cases.

    • Numerical methods of the fractional advection-dispersion equation with Robin boundary condition

      2018, 55(1):0013-0017.

      Abstract (1290) HTML (0) PDF 433.79 K (503) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, we study the practical numerical methods to solve the fractional advection-dispersion equation with Robin boundary condition. We propose an implicit finite difference scheme based on the shifted Grünwald formula to discretize Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Existence and uniqueness of numerical solutions are derived. It is proved that the implicit finite difference scheme is unconditionally stable and convergent. Finally, numerical simulations show that the method is efficient.

    • Strong convergence theorem for right Bregman strongly nonexpensive mappings in reflexive Banach spaces

      2018, 55(1):0018-0024.

      Abstract (1091) HTML (0) PDF 483.96 K (502) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper,we introduce Mann-Halpern algorithm for finding a common fixed point problem of finite family of right Bregman strongly nonexpansive mappings in reflexive mappings in reflexive real Banach spaces.Moreover,we prove a strong convergence theorem under suitable control conditions.Finally,the application to a common zero of a finite family of maximal monote mappings is given by the result.

    • Stevic-Sharma operators from Logarithmic Bergman-type spaces to Bloch spaces

      2018, 55(1):0025-0030.

      Abstract (1248) HTML (0) PDF 215.92 K (575) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Let D be the open unit disk in the complex plane C. In order to unify the products of composition, multiplication and differentiation operators, Stevic and Sharma introduced the following, so-called, Stevic-Sharma operator. Motivated by the recent results of this operator, the boundedness and compactness of the operatorfrom logarithmic Bergman-type space to Bloch space are characterized in this paper.

    • Iterations of tent maps

      2018, 55(1):0031-0036.

      Abstract (1449) HTML (0) PDF 714.20 K (530) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a basic class of non-linear maps, tent maps is famous for their periodic point problem. And tent maps vertices as the points breaking the monotonicity in iterations have their own rules. This paper focuses on the change of the tent maps number of vertices under iterations, and gives the formula for the number of vertices in the specific case of parameter a=0.5,b=(1+√5)/4 and then the formula of the number of n-period points is given when b=1.

    • A nonconforming-conforming finite element method for solving 3D Stokes problems

      2018, 55(1):0037-0041.

      Abstract (1327) HTML (0) PDF 398.17 K (522) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, we study nonconforming finite element methods for 3D Stokes problems. We use nonconforming rotated $Q_1$ elements for the approximation of the first two components of the velocity, the conforming trilinear element for the approximation of the third component and piecewise constant for the approximation of pressure. Optimal error estimates are derived, which are both first order for H1-seminorm of velocity $\textbf{u}$ and $L^2$ norm of pressure $p$. Numerical experiments are provided to verify the theoretical results.

    • Characterization of Optimal Feedback for SLQ with General Filtration

      2018, 55(1):0042-0049.

      Abstract (1229) HTML (0) PDF 520.97 K (582) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:One of the fundamental issues in Control Theory is to design feedback controls. Which is well achieved in the case of linear quadratic control problems. To date, the study of this problem in the stochastic setting is focused much on the natural filtration. In this paper, we utilize the notion of transposition solution to give a sufficient condition for the existence of an optimal feedback control for the stochastic linear quadratic control problems with random coefficients in the general filtration setting, and show it is also necessary for 1-dimensional system.

    • >Computer Science
    • Personalized NewsRecommendation Technology Based on Improved Collaborative Filtering Algorithm

      2018, 55(1):0049-0055.

      Abstract (1484) HTML (0) PDF 763.57 K (749) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The traditional collaborative filtering algorithm only based on matrix produced by user access history to make recommendation and sparse data,and also cannot reflect the user’s interests timely, contrary to these problems, the personalized recommendation technology news in the traditional collaborative filtering algorithm proposes the calculation of news text content similarity and the concept of the time window , the calculation of news content similarity also takes into account the part of speech and positions of the feature words in the news, the time window is used to create user interest model which will change over time; The experimental results show that the improved algorithm effectively improves the sparse problem of data which user has accessed and captures user interest timely, F-measure value improves the maximum 10% compared to the traditional algorithm, the highest value of mean absoulte error fell by 7%, greatly improving the quality of recommendation.

    • Multi-target Tracking Data Association Algorithm Based on Greedy Strategy

      2018, 55(1):0056-0060.

      Abstract (1238) HTML (0) PDF 788.53 K (557) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In this paper,a new association method is proposed to tackle the data association problem of multi-target tracking.In this algorithm, building the associative matrix with the Euclidean distance and the 1-Norm of state vector between tracks and points firstly.And using the associative matrix find the most suitable(Maximum matching success rate)points for every track. If the points just marked by one track, update this track directly; if the points marked by many tracks, choose the track with highest probability to update. Monte-Carlo Simulation experiments show that this algorithm guarantees the updating points for every tracks are the best points among all present points.

    • Research of Stock Time Series Based on probabilistic Suffix Tree

      2018, 55(1):0061-0066.

      Abstract (1293) HTML (0) PDF 695.23 K (718) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:this paper introduces a Probabilistic Suffix Tree (PST) method based on the time series symbolization, and constructs a stock forecasting model based on the combination of time series symbolizationa and PST. In addition, the Markov Model MM and the Auto Regressive Moving Average Model (ARMA) are compared with the forecasting model of this paper.The stock of 10 CSI 300 indices is used as the experimental sample. The results show that the stock forecasting model proposed in this paper is better than the MM model and the ARMA model,and proves the validity of the forecasting model proposed in this paper.

    • Affine Invariant Feature Matching Algorithm on Sparse-to-Dense Mechanism

      2018, 55(1):0067-0072.

      Abstract (1189) HTML (0) PDF 1.57 M (448) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, an affine invariant feature matching algorithm is based on sparse features into dense features is proposed, in which sparse features include coordinates, scale, affine parameters etc., dense features include information of Gaussian kernel, area descriptor. Based on the Affine-SIFT algorithm, this algorithm improves the shortcomings of sparse feature extraction in the feature extraction phase. Because the dense information can only extract the feature when the sparse parameter is full of enough detection conditions, it can not match the characteristic (including sparse and dense parameters) that can be matched, in this paper, we will reconstruct the sparse features by using the sparse features to construct the new simulation images, and further extract the sparse features on the basis of the simulated images, and can detect the matching features that can not be detected in the original image, Feature set the probability of matching, to improve the correct match the number of goals. Compared with the ASIFT, the algorithm, in this paper, which can significantly increase the number of correct feature matching points is proved by experiments. In addition to the extending method of the ASIFT. The proposed method can also be used to extend other feature extraction and matching methods with sufficiently parameters of sparse feature, and apply to precisely target recognition, target classification and 3D reconstruction etc.

    • >Electronics and Information Science
    • Relational intimacy degree handover algorithm of LTE heterogeneous network

      2018, 55(1):0073-0080.

      Abstract (1143) HTML (0) PDF 957.55 K (457) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To meet the need for Quality of Experience(QoE), the User Equipment(UE) has to handover frequently in the coverage area between Macro cell and Femto cell, with the increase of total handover times, the UE will occupy some physical resources continuously, resulting in lower system throughput. Relational intimacy degree handover algorithm of Long Term Evolution(LTE) heterogeneous network is proposed, which estimates the relational intimacy between UE and Femto cell by gathering the historical information of the former access to the latter, then sorts the priority ordering for UE waited for handover by using this attribute, and makes the handover decision by taking the receiving signal strength, speed and Femto cell bandwidth available into account. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the total handover times obviously, avoid the unnecessary handover times and improve the system throughput effectively.

    • Study on the Influence of Metal Boundary Movement on the Heating of Microwave Multimode Cavity

      2018, 55(1):0081-0088.

      Abstract (1194) HTML (0) PDF 1.74 M (500) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a new and efficient heating method, microwave has a great advantage in chemical catalysis and material processing. However, the non-uniformity of microwave heating has limited its application in the chemical industry. A multi-mode microwave cavity with moving metal wall is designed in this paper. In the heating process, the electric field distribution of the cavity is constantly changing by moving the metal wall of the cavity, thereby achieving the purpose of improving the heating uniformity. In the simulation, by using the moving mesh method, the simulation of the whole heating process can be realized by a continuous algorithm. The accuracy of the algorithm is verified by comparing with the electric field distribution of the cavity and reflection coefficient of the port with that of the discrete position. By comparing the temperature coefficient of variation (COV) of the heated material, it can be considered that the heating uniformity of the microwave multimode cavity with a moving metal wall is increased by 18%-38% compared to that of the fixed size multimode cavity. Meanwhile, we analyzed the effect of different metal wall movement modes on the heating effect, and concluded that one can choose the metal wall movement mode according to the properties of the material and other requirements.

    • Community discovery in weighted social networks based on similarities of common neighbors

      2018, 55(1):0089-0098.

      Abstract (1319) HTML (0) PDF 2.05 M (745) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to divide communities accurately in weighted networks, a hierarchical clustering method IEM based on the similarity and modularity is proposed. Firstly, the similarity of the two nodes is defined based on attributes of their common neighbors. Then, the most closely related nodes are clustered fastly according to their similarity to form the initial community and expand it. Lastly, these communities are merged with the goal of maxmizing the modularity so as to optimize division re sults. The algorithm achieves more reasonable and effective community division for weighted network by three steps of initializing, expanding and merging communities. Correctness and effectiveness of the algorithm are verified through experiments on many weighted networks using weighted modularity as evaluation index. Results show that IEM is superior to weighted CN, weighted AA and weighted RA. Moreover, it can achieve the higher quality of community division in weighted networks compared with CRMA algorithm.

    • Non-uniform Superstrate Resonant Cavity Antenna Design

      2018, 55(1):0099-0104.

      Abstract (916) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (442) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel non-uniform superstrate resonant cavity antenna (RCA) design method was proposed. The non-uniform superstrate was constructed by changing the reflection coefficient at different location of the aperture. The values of the reflection coefficients were determined by a given function. Metallic via was chosen as the unit of superstrate, whose reflection coefficient can be determined by changing via diameters or by changing unit length between vias. According these two ways, two kinds of non-uniform superstrate RCAs were designed, both followed the same reflection coefficient function. The performances of two kinds of antennas were very similar, and both satisfy the results forecasted by the reflection coefficient function. The results indicated that reflection coefficient characteristic was the important impact factor for non-uniform superstrate RCA. Two prototype antennas were fabricated and measured. The measured |S11|<-10 dB impedance bandwidth and gain of the two antennas were both greater than 8% and 18 dBi, respectively. The gain only dropped within 1.5 dB from the peak gain in the impedance bandwidth.

    • >Physics
    • First Principles Study on the Hydrogen Storage Properties of La Doped BN Nanotubes

      2018, 55(1):0105-0110.

      Abstract (1169) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (502) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The hydrogen adsorption on La-doped single BN nanotubes were investigated by first-principles based on density functional theory. Our calculated results show that the binding energy of La metal is large enough and ensure the stability toward recyclability. The maximum of six hydrogen molecules be adsorbed on the La-doped BN nanotube which can store up to 4.50 wt%. The density of states show that hybridizations between La-5p,5d ,6s states and B-2p, C-2p orbitals appear near the Fermi level. It is clear that the positive charge of La cation can polarize the incoming H2 molecules. The research of this paper has a certain guiding significance for the synthesis of high performance BN nanotube hydrogen storage materials.

    • Three Dimensional Reconstruction Based on Improved Empirical Mode Decomposition

      2018, 55(1):0111-0117.

      Abstract (1187) HTML (0) PDF 3.03 M (543) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the problem of the edge error caused by the traditional empirical mode decomposition method, an improved empirical mode decomposition method is proposed for eliminating the decomposition error in the edge zones of the signals in this paper, in which, a mirror extension method and Gerchberg extrapolation iteration is introduced to eliminate the decomposition error at edges position, respectively. The improved method can effectively suppress the mode decomposition error caused by the signal edge and improve the decomposition accuracy of the EMD. It is also applied in the analysis of the deformed fringe pattern for eliminating the background components in 3D optical measurement, by which a better reconstructed result of 3D surface can be obtained.

    • High-order harmonic generation from He+ driven by the chirped pulse combined with the unipolar pulse

      2018, 55(1):0118-0124.

      Abstract (1126) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (570) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The generations of the high-order harmonic and the attosecond pulse from He+ ion driven by the chirped pulse combined with the unipolar pulse have been numerically investigated. The results show that by preparing the initial state as the coherent superposition of the ground and the first excited states of He+ ion, the harmonic yield is enhanced by 6 orders of magnitude in comparison with the single ground initial state case. Further, by introducing the laser chirp and the unipolar controlling pulse, the cutoff energy of harmonic spectrum is remarkably enhanced, and the interference structure of harmonic is also reduced. Further, with the introduction of the spatial inhomogeneous effect, the harmonic cutoff can be further extended, resulting in a super-bandwidth of 320 eV. By superposition of harmonics, three attosecond X-ray pulses with durations from 45 as to 48 as can be obtained, which is 5 ~ 6 orders of magnitude improvement in comparison with the single ground initial state case.

    • Plasmons in Antimonene Nanostructure: First Principles Study

      2018, 55(1):0125-0128.

      Abstract (1318) HTML (0) PDF 703.92 K (511) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The excitation characteristics of surface plamons of the antimonene nanostructure was studied by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). The absorption spectra were given for impulse excitations polarized in the armchair-edge direction (X-axis) and zigzag-edge direction (Y-axis). The edge configuration effects the absorption spectrum. The distribution of indued charge infers thethe main plasmon resonance modes are the bonding dimer plasmon mode(BDP) in the low-energy resonance region.

    • Structures and magnetic properties of Mn-doped (ZnTe)12 cluster

      2018, 55(1):0129-0134.

      Abstract (961) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (433) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The structural and magnetic properties of Mn atom monodoped and bidoped (ZnTe)12 clusters have been studied in term of a first-principles method. Substitutional and interstitial dopings are considered. The substitutional isomers are found to be most favorable for monodoped clusters, while the interstitial isomers are found to be most favorable for bidoped clusters. The magnetic moments are mainly contributed by the 3d component of Mn atom, the 4s and 4p orbitals also have some contributions. Due to the hybridization interaction, a small magnetic moment is also induced in nearest neighboring Te and Zn atoms.

    • First principle calculation electronic structure and optical of orthorhombic Al-dope Ca2Si

      2018, 55(1):0135-0140.

      Abstract (1073) HTML (0) PDF 1023.97 K (418) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The band structure,density of states and optical properties of Ca2Siand Al-dope Ca2Si were calculated by the first-principles method. Optimized results Showed that local lattice distorted , volume was increased after induced Al. The Fermi energy moved into valence band. Al-doped Ca2Si of is a P-type semiconductor and the band gap decreased from 0.26eV to 0.144eV.The valance bands of orthorhombic Al-dope Ca2Si are mainly composed of 3P of Si,3P off Al,4s of Ca and 3d,3P of Si. The calculation of Optical properties indicated that after induced Al the static dielectric constant ε1 (0) enlarged,ε2 (ω) moved to a low-energy region, absorption and refractive index increased and reflectivity decreased.

    • >Chemistry
    • 3D-QSAR study of anticancer drugs α,β-unsaturated carbonyl-based compounds

      2018, 55(1):0141-0146.

      Abstract (957) HTML (0) PDF 765.84 K (465) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship of 31 α,β-unsaturated carbonyl-based compounds was studied by CoMFA and CoMSIA methods. The models obtained were statistically significant. CoMFA:q2=0.687, R2=0.956, N=9, SEE=0.090, CoMSIA:q2=0.756, R2=0.954, N=9, SEE=0.093. Three dimensional maps were used to analyze the factors affecting the activity of inhibitor molecules, and a novel high activity inhibitory molecule was designed.

    • In situ formate anion formation of a single Ln(ΙΙΙ) coordination polymer: syntheses, and the luminescent properties of its doped compounds

      2018, 55(1):0147-0153.

      Abstract (1048) HTML (0) PDF 1.15 M (530) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A three-dimensional (3D) single Ln(ΙΙΙ) coordination polymers, [La(HCO2)3]n (1), was synthesized in DMF/H2O mixed solvent under solvothermal condition. The formate anions were generated in situ from the N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solvent. Compound 1 has been characterized by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis, IR spectra, and thermogravimetric analysis. Compound 1 crystallizes in the rhombohedral, space group R3m. The central La(ΙΙΙ) ion is nine-coordinated by nine formate oxygen atoms from nine formate anions, and the formate anions linking three La(ΙΙΙ) ions form a novel binodal (3, 9)-connected 3D net with Schläfli symbol (4.62)3(46.621.89). Furthermore, 1-La samples doped with Eu, Tb, and Dy show their characteristic luminescence.

    • >Material Science
    • Absorption and scattering properties of gold nanotubes with an offset core

      2018, 55(1):0154-0158.

      Abstract (1026) HTML (0) PDF 892.22 K (596) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of core offset, dielectric constants of core and embedding medium as well as incident light direction on the absorption and scattering properties of gold nanotubes with a nonconcentric core are theoretically studied by the finite difference time domain method. The numerical results show that the absorption and scattering spetra red shift and the absorption-scattering ratio increases with increasing core offset distant of the inner core from the nanotube centre. Moreover, the absorption-scattering ratio also increases with the increased core dielectric constant or the decreased dielectric constant of embedding medium. When the incident light direction is parallel to core offset direction, the greater absorption-scattering ratio appears as the position of the core is close to the incident light, but the ratio is smaller than that one when the incident light direction is perpendicular to offset direction as the core offest is given.

    • Study of Eu-doped yittria by density functional theory calculations

      2018, 55(1):0159-0164.

      Abstract (1028) HTML (0) PDF 2.01 M (521) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The structural and electronic properties of yittria are studied by density functional theory calculations. The results agree well with the experimental ones. Based on the supercell method, the intrinsic and Eu-doped defects are investigated. Analyzing the formation energies of various defects, we find that the Eu atom substitutes for the cations more easily under the O-rich condition. The b-site as an inversion center is preferred with the lower Fermi energy, while the probability of the d-site with lower symmetry is equal to that of b-site. The results are instructive to improve the luminous efficiency.

    • >Biology
    • Complete sequence and comparative analysis of the chloroplast genome of the Chinese aspen (Populus adenopoda, Salicaceae)

      2018, 55(1):0165-0171.

      Abstract (1458) HTML (0) PDF 12.01 M (736) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Although Populus (Saliaceae) is an important group of forest trees in the sense of economy, ecology and scientific researches, few is known about the structural and sequence variation of chloroplast genome across the genus. We sequenced and characterized the complete chloroplast genome of the Chinese aspen (Populus adenopoda), and made comparative analyses of the structure variation of the chloroplast genomes of P. adenopoda and other 11 poplars. The P. adenopoda chloroplast genome is 158,591bp in length, exhibits a typical quadripartite structural organization, consisting of a LSC region of 84,634 bp, two IR regions of 27,667 bp and a SSC region of 18,623 bp. Comparison of the cp genome structure and gene order to those of the 12 Populus species indicated that the chloroplast genomes of this genus are rather conservative, only six large deletions or insertions were found across the whole genome. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the 12 Populus species clustered into three well-supported clades, and Chinese aspen is most closely related to the white poplar, P. alba. Our work will better our understating of the evolutionary history of Populus, and will be useful to future population genetics and other molecular ecology studies of poplars based on chloroplast DNA sequences.

    • Analysis of the Potential Remediation of Oilseed Rape to Soils Contaminated with Cadmium

      2018, 55(1):0172-0178.

      Abstract (1170) HTML (0) PDF 2.24 M (513) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The pot-experiment was conducted to analysis the absorption characteristics of oilseed rape and the change of soil microbial community structure under different Cd concentrations. Results indicated that the absorption of Cd in the plant increased significantly as the rising of Cd concentrations, and the content in the shoot was higher than that of roots. Cd concentration in stem was the highest, and Cd concentration in seed was the lowest. The translocation factors (TFs) of Cd in oilseed rape showed a trend of first increasing and then decreased with the rising of Cd concentrations. At a low Cd concentration, the translocation factors (TFs) of Cd in oilseed rape was higher and the remediation rate can reach 6.841~7.752%. Soil microbial diversity analysis showed that Cd contamination altered soil microbial community structure and reduced the relative abundance of some dominant bacteria, but cultivation of oilseed rape can increase the relative abundance of them, and increased the soil microbial diversity. Therefore, cultivation of oilseed rape is beneficial to the stability of soil ecosystem and can be used to remediate the Cd-contaminated soil.

    • An Interaction of ABA Receptor RCAR12 with CARK3 in Arabidopsis thaliana

      2018, 55(1):0179-0183.

      Abstract (1423) HTML (0) PDF 1.83 M (557) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is crucial for plant development and response to abiotic stress, including drought. ABA perceived by the ABA receptors, PYR/PYL/RCAR, which bound to ABA, and then recruit Protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) to inhibit the PP2C acticity, thereby activating SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE2 (SnRK2s). Here, CARK3 and RCAR12 interact in yeast two-hybrid system and GST-pull down in vitro. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) was used to illuminate the interaction between CARK3 and RCAR12 in Nicotiana benthamiana in vivo. We could confer that CARK3 indeed interacts with RCAR12 in present study and the phosphorylation modulates the physiological response of the core ABA signaling pathway. Our results provide the foundation for further understanding of the regulatory network of phosphorylation of ABA signaling pathways core components.

    • Influence of Diet Restriction on the Energy Metabolism and Digestive Tract Morphology in Passer montanus

      2018, 55(1):0184-0190.

      Abstract (989) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (424) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the influence of diet restriction on the physiological and biochemical indexes and digestive tract morphology in tree sparrow (Passer montanus). According to body weight, the sparrows were divided into the control group (groupⅠ), semi starvation group (groupⅡ), and 1/4 starvation group (group Ⅲ) , respectively. After hunger domestication, the body weight, fresh weight of organ, basal metabolic rate (BMR), body fat mass fraction, glycogen content, digestive energy, digestibility,the structure of digestive tract,such as length, villous height, villous width, mucous membrane layer thickness and the cross-sectional of intestinal wall were determined. The study found that with the increase of food restriction degree, the body weight, BMR fraction, body fat mass fraction, glycogen content, villus height, width and the cross-sectional area of the digestive tract showed a decline trend when compared with the groupⅠ, while the organ fresh weight, digestive energy, digestibility and digestive tract length have a trend of increasing. These results indicate that diet restriction is one of the important environmental factors that affect the morphology of digestive tract in tree sparrow. Under the condition of food restriction, tree sparrows reduce the body mass, increase energy intake, modify the structure of digestive tract, consume energy reserve of the body and reduce energy consumption to alleviate the survival pressure caused by food shortages.

    • Effects of different ferric fertilizers on soil enzymatic activities and bacterial community structure of chlorotic peach trees

      2018, 55(1):0191-0196.

      Abstract (925) HTML (0) PDF 2.13 M (373) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper reported the differences of the soil enzymatic activities, available iron contents, bacterial community structures and leaves’ active iron contents among the chlorotic peach trees applied with four ferric fertilizers. Results indicated that four ferric fertilizers showed a tendency as EDDHA·Fe>Nutriagent>FeSO4>FeCl3>CK in the corrective effects on iron chlorosis of peach trees grown on calcareous soil and can differently changed the contents of soil available iron and leaves’ active iron, activities of soil invertase, urease and protease, structures of soil bacterial communities in which the indexes of soil bacterial diversity and abundance were obviously promoted by EDDHA·Fe, Nutriagent and FeSO4. However, the contents of leaves’ active iron were most significantly correlated with the contents of soil available iron and activities of soil invertase, urease and protease while it was shown a non-significant negative correlation between the content of leaves’ active iron and the soil bacterial evenness.

    • Analysis of the part charateristics and the difference of amylase in tuberous roots of sweet potato during storage period

      2018, 55(1):0197-0200.

      Abstract (1118) HTML (0) PDF 900.32 K (452) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As compared with other crops, the researches of sweet potato has long-term not been enough concerned, resulting in slow progress in molecular biology accumulation. Differences amylase were found in isozyme composition in tuberous roots of sweet potato during storage period, by eletrophoresis on 8% native polyacrylamide gel and active stain by using soluble starch as substrate. New amylase responds differently to inhibitors, it is sensitive to EDTA or thiol -group reagent, it is more sensitive to tompurature than β-amylase .

    • Transcriptome analysis on stem development of a Brassica napus L. dwarf mutant

      2018, 55(1):0201-0206.

      Abstract (954) HTML (0) PDF 1.67 M (452) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:'NDF-1' is a Brassica napus L. dwarf mutant, which was derived from physical and chemical mutagenesis of a high stemmed line '3529 ',possesses a stable dwarf phenotype of approximately one third the height of high stalk parent '3529'. It is an excellent resource dwarf Brassica napus L. RNA-Seq based transcriptome analysis on stem elongation of the dwarf mutant from Bolting Stage (BS) and Florescence Stage (FS), which was conducted to provide a reference for the genome level in order to understand the mechanism of rapeseed stem development. A total of 455 million clean reads were obtained from two different stages include Bolting Stage (BS) and Florescence Stage (FS). Then 2,147 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were found which detected between 'NDF-1' and '3529' after assembled them. Furthermore, twenty differentially expressed genes were selected for RT-PCR validation. With the GO and KEGG pathway analysis, 'NDF-1' stems elongation most regulated by the gibberellin、auxin and brassinosteroids, cell wall formation or cells Elongation is not normal but also play an important role in 'NDF-1' dwarf. Screening genes associated with plant dwarfing traits from DEGs, which provide a reference for further use of these genes on traits improvement and dwarfing mechanism research.

    • Reproductive allocation changes from Saussurea parviflora in eastern edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at various altitudes during flowering

      2018, 55(1):0207-0213.

      Abstract (1191) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (507) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To study the effect of elevation on the reproductive allocation of Saussurea parviflora during the flowering,sampling survey method and weighting after dried method are chosen so as to study Saussurea parviflora 's morphological features at various altitudes.It show that, firstly,during flowering,above-ground biomass in plant itself and its organs related to reproduction and vegetation has an obvious trend of decreasing as altitude goes up.Besides,its number and stem length also slope down little by little.On the contrary,tubuliflorous biomass and reproductive allocation take on a relative trend of increasing and prosperity.Secondly,a shift phenomenon in balance from tubuliflorous biomass and its number would probably be formed.Thirdly,in flowering,biomass in many aspects and reproductive allocation are potentially controlled by the environmental factor,altitude .Finally ,for the external resource is limited ,in order to relatively promote its productive growth ,this kind of smart plant weaken the vegetation growth by quietly inhibiting its individual size .In this way, Saussurea parviflora’s breeding success rate is greatly and amazingly lifted .

    • Transcriptional expression profiles and enzyme activity of UGPase from Letinous edodes under different carbon and nitrogen sources

      2018, 55(1):0214-0220.

      Abstract (1144) HTML (0) PDF 973.32 K (922) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objectives] UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase) is a key enzyme involved in carbohydrate metabolism, which plays an important role in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. It will be helpful to elucidate the molecular mechanism of glucose metabolism to study the UGPase. [Methods] Different carbon and nitrogen sources were used to culture the Lentinula edodes Xin808 in this study. The biomasses were measured by drying the mycelium. The contents of intracellular polysaccharide were determined by phenol-sulfuric acid. The transcriptional expression profiles of ugp were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR, and enzyme activity of UGPase were also determined. [Results] The results showed that, comparing to the control, besides NH4NO3 treatment group, the rest of carbon and nitrogen sources could increase the biomass of Letinous edodes, among which wheat bran exhibited as the best (0.63g). The small molecule (sucrose, maltose and mannose) as carbon sources and organic compounds(wheat bran and yellow bean sprouts) as nitrogen sources, ugp gene expression quantity obviously were up-regulated, increased UGPase activity, promoted the biosynthesis of mycelium intracellular polysaccharide. With sucrose as carbon source and wheat bran as nitrogen source, the transcriptional expression level of ugp gene, the activity of UGPase (4043.80U/mg and 3873U/mg) and mycelium polysaccharide content (3.60% and 3.86%) were the highest, ugp gene expression quantity respectively were 8.19 and 6.52 times to the control group. [Conclusions] The transcriptional expression levels of ugp gene, the activity of UGPase and mycelium intracellular polysaccharide of Letinous edodes showed high positive correlation between the three. The small molecule carbon sources(sucrose, maltose and mannose) and organic nitrogen sources (wheat bran and yellow bean sprouts) were helpful to the biosynthesis of mycelium polysaccharide. Sugar and wheat bran could be used as advantage carbon source and nitrogen source under Letinous edodes liquid fermentation.